Free agent Aubrey Huff helped lead the San Francisco Giants to victory in the World Series, all thanks to his thong. He started wearing a red thong under his uniform on August 30 to help keep loosen up the team and keep the atmosphere light. It seems to have worked. Huff's thong of choice is a red Papi studded thong. You can get one from Papi for $14. In his speech after winning, Huff pulls his thong out of his pants à la Zoolander (without taking off his pants). Showing his skimpy, red Papis for the world to see! So whether it was the thong or just talent, Aubrey Huff pulled it off to lead the Giants to a win. As you can see from the video, Huff's thong sure rallied the crowd!
Question of the day: What are your thoughts on thong underwear for men? Would you wear it? Do you wear it? What about seeing famous athletes wearing it?
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